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Ring bought at flea market turns out to be 26+ carat diamond

Ring bought at flea market turns out to be 26+ carat diamond META FOR IOS & HANDHELD //META FOR IOS & HANDHELD Le HTML5 shim, for IE6-8 support of HTML5 elements [if lt IE 9]> <![endif] For IE6-8 support of media query [if lt IE 9]> <![endif] You can add Google Analytics here

One lucky lady snagged the deal of a lifetime over 30 years ago when she purchased what she thought was merely a fun cocktail ring, but turned out to be a diamond worth more than $450,000.

The unaware buyer who spent approximately $15 at a flea market in London had no idea the gem was actually a 26.27-carat white diamond.

On Monday, Jessica Wyndham, head of Sotheby's London jewelry department, met with the owner who has been wearing the ring since the '80s and only recently found out from a local jeweler it could be of significant value.


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